Funny old world isn’t it?

Marketing’s once high cost of entry is now low, or no cost at all. That’s good for you, but also for everyone else with something to say. With more stuff being said, not much stands out - and even less of it sticks.

As luck would have it, as a content strategist, my specialist subject is sticky stuff. The stuff you can’t put down easily. Or turn away from in a hurry. The stuff that gets you noticed, and remembered.

I’ve developed products, driven revenue and foot traffic, generated leads, raised awareness, changed behaviour and put out fires.

If you’re a ‘Succession’ fan, then let’s just say I know a thing or two, about a thing or two.  As it says on the box, I pull rabbits out of hats. I know just the right buttons to push.

Mum, bless her, always said ‘self-recommendation is no recommendation at all’.

“You’re getting tickets on yourself,” was how she’d gently, but firmly put it.  

But that’s Mum for you. You can make up your own mind.