When life hands you lemons
I’m long on lemons right now, having been blessed with the most productive tree. It groans with the biggest juiciest fruit, so much so, that quite a bit of last season’s crop remains in place as the new fruit forms, which can’t be doing the tree any good.
I’ve made Ottolenghi’s lemon chicken, frozen lemon blocks, jars of preserved lemons, and on it goes. Our local food rescue people used to have a nice man that would come and help pick them for re-distribution, but sadly he’s moved on. Unlike the lemons.
Gilly has been getting some every few weeks over summer, as Mrs Gilly makes the most delicious cold pressed juices and tonics with lemon, turmeric and honey, but even after taking four bulging brown shopping bags at a time, he’s barely made a dent.
All of which got me thinking about others with bounty to spare in their gardens, and how we could cut some waste and share the love around.
It’s a simple thought, making use of paper supermarket bags to spread the word, and the food, supporting local food rescue groups in the process. A supermarket could do it on their own, or in partnership with anyone else in need of some brownie points.
Design by Georgia
Ideas are a bit like the lemons on my tree; they need to be used, allowing new ones to grow in their place.
So, if you know anyone that might need this one, pass it on. It’s free to a good home. I’ve got plenty. There’s no danger of a shortage.
Just like the lemons.