Always a tricky one to answer.
Once, when I was working at a large firm, Ron and I had done a rather clever billboard to promote the agency. I can’t remember exactly what was on it, but it had nothing to do with with our work, or even advertising, so maybe it wasn’t that clever at all, but that’s not the point.
Not long after the billboard had been pasted up for all to see, Nelly rushed into our office, informing us in a way that only flustered MD’s can, that we needed to make the agency logo bigger.
‘How so?’ we calmly asked. Apparently, a client drove past out of the blue, and, having seen the billboard, decided that our logo was too small, and got on the phone immediately to graciously share their thoughts, so that the problem could be rectified immediately.
Usually, when being told off, the great one liner escapes me. But not today.
‘Oh really?’ I replied. ‘Well….if the logo was too small, how did he know who to call?’
Case dismissed.
Sometimes there’s a case to make the logo as big as you can. This version of the fernmark we made on Santa Monica Beach was the size of Eden park. But that’s another story entirely